A fast payday loan is a kind of cash advance that is extended to your next pay check. It is a short term, small loan that is intended to help cover your emergency expenses. The terms and conditions are usually determined by the loan provider on an individual basis. However, no matter the consideration, the loan often comes with a very high interest rate, a quick repayment period, and a cost of convenience. The working of this type of loan entails the borrower writing a post dated check for the amount needed plus other fees and interest charges. Your check would be held against the loan you are taking for a maximum period of two weeks. At the end of the agreed period, the lender will withdraw the money directly from your account.

There are many fast payday loan that do not require you writing any check. All you just have to do is to give them your account details and the permission to withdraw the fund at the stipulated time. All these would be done electronically. This type of loan started in the 1930s where shops are opened with the aim of lending money to people in need. They used to give these types of loans to people who are working and have steady income. Over a period of time, these shops grew and became bigger companies.

In the 1990s, these companies started operating in ways that look like what is happening now. Many of these lenders are pawn shops, banks, rent-to-own, and in this contemporary world, it has moved to fast payday loan. These companies are making it real big these days, exploiting the needs of people for urgent cash. Many of them are honest but there are some of them that are into shady business. This is why a borrower must be very careful when looking for an online lender.