When we talk about fast payday loan, we are referring to a short term loan that you can get via the internet connection, which is meant to solve your immediate cash needs until you are able to collect your next pay check. This may be in days or week. The loans are usually easy to get, sometimes, it takes just hours to conclude the whole transaction and have the money that you need. This type of loan is also called paycheck advance or cash advances. The rules and regulations of this type of loan vary from one country to the other.

The processes of getting fast payday loan involve visiting the sites of the loans provider and filling a form which will be processed within a couple of minutes and just in few hours, the money you have applied for will be released into your account. The good news about this type of loan is that you can get it irrespective of your credit history. This is because you are getting the loan against your next pay check. You will have to write a postdated check for the full amount of money that you want to borrow and this will be written against your next pay check. This postdated check will act as the collateral for the loan you are obtaining.

The usual percentage of interest on fast payday loan is about 15% to 30%. When the issued check matures, the loan provider will withdraw the whole loan and the interest payable from your account. In the case that the money in your account at the end of the month is not enough to clear the debt, the loan will be carried forward and you would be required to pay additional interest on the loan. You may also be mandated to pay a penalty for default in payment.